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Group Service

Learn how to serve multiple visitors at the same time

Mirjam Nugis avatar
Written by Mirjam Nugis
Updated over a week ago

With Group Service you can serve multiple visitors at the same time!

This is useful when the visitor being served doesn't currently need your attention, or when you have to go through a task with multiple people at once, for example, a group training session.

How do I group serve?

To begin with, make sure you are already serving a visitor.

Click on a visitor's name in the waiting list. In this visitors's details, click on "Call for Group Service" at the bottom of the screen. 

All visitors you're serving during group service will be displayed at the very top of the list and marked with Serving now.

How do I end Group Service?

To end a Group Service session, just click "Call Next". You'll be asked for confirmation, and after that, all visitors in the group will be marked as served.
If you wish to end service for only one visitor in the group, click "Finish Serving This Visitor".

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